Saturday 16 November 2019

DAWN NEWS vocabulary WORDS / Meanings

1. *Candid* / Straight forward
2. *Caitiff* / Cowardly
3. *Bravo* / Well done
4. *Callosity* / The state of being hard and insensible.
5. *Canon* / Any rule or law
6. *Carnage* / Massacre
7. *Clan* / A tribe
8. *Clemency* / Mercy
9. *Clement* / Compassionate
10. *Coagulant* / Producing Coagulation
11. *Castigate* / To punish
12. *Carnal* / Sensual
13. *Cede* / To pass title to
14. *Causal* / Accidental, by chance
15. *Charlatan* / A quack
16. *Comely* / Handsome
17. *Cohesion* / Consistency
18. *Comical* / Funny
19. *Cognate* / Akin
20. *Conjoin* / To unite
21. *Lithe* / Flexible
22. *Lackadaisical* / Lazy
23. *Judicious* / bb fair, Wise
24. *Jaded* / Tired, bored
25. *Irreverence* / Lack of respect
26. *Irresolute* / Lacking firmness of Purpose
27. *Jeopardize* / Put at risk
28. *Irony* / Something unexpected
29. *Litigious* / Seeking legal remedies
30. *Knack* / Trick, Skill
31. *Lucid* / Clear, Explained
32. *Magnanimous* / Generous minded
33. *Mandatory* / Compulsory
34. *Manifesto* / Statement of Values
35. *Legitimate* / To make legal
36. *Manipulative* /Deceptive
37. *Mercenary* / Seeking money above all else
38. *Momentous* / of great Importance
39. *Morbidity* / Concern with death & disease
40. *Miffed* / Annoyed, vex
41. *Convergence* /Coming together
42. *Negate* / Wipe out
43. *Flag* / To lose Energy
44. *Remiss* / Neglectful
45. *Ratify* / Give Approval to (official)
46. *Retraction* / Removal, taking back
47. *Salvageable* / Can be Saved
48. *Scrutinize* / Examine carefully
49. *Resolute* / Firm of Purpose
50. *Sedate* / Calm, Placid
51. *Sermonize* / Give moral lecture
52. *Shroud* / A Cover for dead body
53. *Slipshod* / Careless, Untidy
54. *Serene* / Peaceful
55. *Sedulous* / Through, Eager
56. *Secluded* / Lonely, Isolated
57. *Solace* / Comfort
58. *Somber* / Gloomy
59. *Squander* / Waste
60. *Sophistry* / Devious Logic
61. *Manifesto* / Statement of Values
62. *Miffed* / Annoyed, Vex
63. *Modicum* / Tiny Amount
64. *Concord* / Agreement
65. *Cognitions* / Mental Knowledge
66. *Mandatory* / Compulsory
67. *Consummate* / Supremely good
58. *Copious* / In Large Amount
59. *Cumulative* / Building up
60. *Debilitate* / Weaken
61. *Dearth* / Shortage, Lacking
62. *Deleterious* / Harmful
63. *Derided* / Mocked
64. *Dilatory* / Slow, Sluggish
65. *Disparaging* / Critical
66. *Discernment* / Judgement
67. *Occlusion* / Shutting out
68. *Overhaul* / Renovate, examine
69. *Pathos* / Sadness, Gloomy
70. *Penchant* / Tendency, liking, Leaning toward
71. *Invocation* / Prayer
72. *Irony* / Something unexpected
73. *Integrity* / Honor, honesty
74. *Insolence* / Lack of respect
75. *Insular* / Narrow minded
76. *Circumstantial* / Accidental
77. *Judicious* / Fair, Wise
78. *Irreverence* / Lack of respect
79. *Lithe* / Flexible, Supple
80. *Jaded* / Tired, bored
81. *Knack* / Trick, Skill
82. *Litigious* / Seeking legal remedies
83. *Lucid* / Clear, Explanied
84. *Mandate* / Permission
85. *Mandatory* / Compulsory
86. *Manifesto* / Statement of Values
87. *Miffed* /Annoyed, Vex
88. *Modicum* / Tiny amount
89. *Coerce* / Compel, Force
90. *Cognitions* / Mental knowledge
91. *Yen* / A strong Desire or inclinations
92. *Woebegone* / Woeful
93. *Wraith* / A ghost, Something insubstantial or shadowy
94. *Winsome* / Light-hearted
95. *Wheedle* / To entice by soft words
96. *Wag* / A Wit
97. *Voluptuary* / A Sensualist
98. *Vociferous* / Making a loud out cry
99. *Visage* / Appearance, Aspect
100. *Vivify* / To animate
101. *Vim* / Energy, Vigor
102. *Vicissitude* / A change in condition or fortune
103. *Verbose* / Wordy
104. *Venial* / Capable of being forgiven
105. *Urbane* / Polite, Refined
106. *Ukase* / An edict
107. *Ubiquitous* /Being Everywhere
108. *Uxoriouz* / Excessively fond of
109. *Vainglory* / Empty pride
110. *Tutelary* / Guardian, protecting
111. *Depression* / A falling of the spirits
2. #Deponent Laying down
3. #Deplete To reduce or lessen , or waste
4. #Disagree To be opposite in opinion
5. #Designate To select or appoint , as by authority.
6. #Disapprove To regard with blame
7. #Despite In spite of
8. #Discomfit To put to confusion
9. #Discreet Judicious
10. #Diacritical Marking ba difference
11. #Diabolic Characterstic of the devil
12. #Devout Religion
13. #Dishonest Untrustworthy
14. #Disrepute A bad name or character
15. #Evasion Escape
16. #Excel To be superior or distinguished
17. #Expend To spend
18. #Expeditious Speedy
19. #Exposition Formal Presentation
20. #Expulsion Forcible ejection
1. #Abrogate To abolish , Repeal
2. #Abhorrent Very repugnant , hateful
3. #Addle To make inefficient or worthless
4. #Adhere To Stick fast or together
5. #Amity Friendship
6. #Amenable Willing and ready to submit
7. #Amorous Having a propensity for falling in love
8. #Agitate To move or excite ( the feelings or thoughts)
9. #Agglomerate To pile or heap together
10. #Aggress To Make the first attack
11. #Aggrieve To give*#DAWN NEWS vocabulary*
*WORDS / Meanings#*

1. *Candid* / Straight forward
2. *Caitiff* / Cowardly
3. *Bravo* / Well done
4. *Callosity* / The state of being hard and insensible.
5. *Canon* / Any rule or law
6. *Carnage* / Massacre
7. *Clan* / A tribe
8. *Clemency* / Mercy
9. *Clement* / Compassionate
10. *Coagulant* / Producing Coagulation
11. *Castigate* / To punish
12. *Carnal* / Sensual
13. *Cede* / To pass title to
14. *Causal* / Accidental, by chance
15. *Charlatan* / A quack
16. *Comely* / Handsome
17. *Cohesion* / Consistency
18. *Comical* / Funny
19. *Cognate* / Akin
20. *Conjoin* / To unite
21. *Lithe* / Flexible
22. *Lackadaisical* / Lazy
23. *Judicious* / bb fair, Wise
24. *Jaded* / Tired, bored
25. *Irreverence* / Lack of respect
26. *Irresolute* / Lacking firmness of Purpose
27. *Jeopardize* / Put at risk
28. *Irony* / Something unexpected
29. *Litigious* / Seeking legal remedies
30. *Knack* / Trick, Skill
31. *Lucid* / Clear, Explained
32. *Magnanimous* / Generous minded
33. *Mandatory* / Compulsory
34. *Manifesto* / Statement of Values
35. *Legitimate* / To make legal
36. *Manipulative* /Deceptive
37. *Mercenary* / Seeking money above all else
38. *Momentous* / of great Importance
39. *Morbidity* / Concern with death & disease
40. *Miffed* / Annoyed, vex
41. *Convergence* /Coming together
42. *Negate* / Wipe out
43. *Flag* / To lose Energy
44. *Remiss* / Neglectful
45. *Ratify* / Give Approval to (official)
46. *Retraction* / Removal, taking back
47. *Salvageable* / Can be Saved
48. *Scrutinize* / Examine carefully
49. *Resolute* / Firm of Purpose
50. *Sedate* / Calm, Placid
51. *Sermonize* / Give moral lecture
52. *Shroud* / A Cover for dead body
53. *Slipshod* / Careless, Untidy
54. *Serene* / Peaceful
55. *Sedulous* / Through, Eager
56. *Secluded* / Lonely, Isolated
57. *Solace* / Comfort
58. *Somber* / Gloomy
59. *Squander* / Waste
60. *Sophistry* / Devious Logic
61. *Manifesto* / Statement of Values
62. *Miffed* / Annoyed, Vex
63. *Modicum* / Tiny Amount
64. *Concord* / Agreement
65. *Cognitions* / Mental Knowledge
66. *Mandatory* / Compulsory
67. *Consummate* / Supremely good
58. *Copious* / In Large Amount
59. *Cumulative* / Building up
60. *Debilitate* / Weaken
61. *Dearth* / Shortage, Lacking
62. *Deleterious* / Harmful
63. *Derided* / Mocked
64. *Dilatory* / Slow, Sluggish
65. *Disparaging* / Critical
66. *Discernment* / Judgement
67. *Occlusion* / Shutting out
68. *Overhaul* / Renovate, examine
69. *Pathos* / Sadness, Gloomy
70. *Penchant* / Tendency, liking, Leaning toward
71. *Invocation* / Prayer
72. *Irony* / Something unexpected
73. *Integrity* / Honor, honesty
74. *Insolence* / Lack of respect
75. *Insular* / Narrow minded
76. *Circumstantial* / Accidental
77. *Judicious* / Fair, Wise
78. *Irreverence* / Lack of respect
79. *Lithe* / Flexible, Supple
80. *Jaded* / Tired, bored
81. *Knack* / Trick, Skill
82. *Litigious* / Seeking legal remedies
83. *Lucid* / Clear, Explanied
84. *Mandate* / Permission
85. *Mandatory* / Compulsory
86. *Manifesto* / Statement of Values
87. *Miffed* /Annoyed, Vex
88. *Modicum* / Tiny amount
89. *Coerce* / Compel, Force
90. *Cognitions* / Mental knowledge
91. *Yen* / A strong Desire or inclinations
92. *Woebegone* / Woeful
93. *Wraith* / A ghost, Something insubstantial or shadowy
94. *Winsome* / Light-hearted
95. *Wheedle* / To entice by soft words
96. *Wag* / A Wit
97. *Voluptuary* / A Sensualist
98. *Vociferous* / Making a loud out cry
99. *Visage* / Appearance, Aspect
100. *Vivify* / To animate
101. *Vim* / Energy, Vigor
102. *Vicissitude* / A change in condition or fortune
103. *Verbose* / Wordy
104. *Venial* / Capable of being forgiven
105. *Urbane* / Polite, Refined
106. *Ukase* / An edict
107. *Ubiquitous* /Being Everywhere
108. *Uxoriouz* / Excessively fond of
109. *Vainglory* / Empty pride
110. *Tutelary* / Guardian, protecting
111. *Depression* / A falling of the spirits
2. #Deponent Laying down
3. #Deplete To reduce or lessen , or waste
4. #Disagree To be opposite in opinion
5. #Designate To select or appoint , as by authority.
6. #Disapprove To regard with blame
7. #Despite In spite of
8. #Discomfit To put to confusion
9. #Discreet Judicious
10. #Diacritical Marking ba difference
11. #Diabolic Characterstic of the devil
12. #Devout Religion
13. #Dishonest Untrustworthy
14. #Disrepute A bad name or character
15. #Evasion Escape
16. #Excel To be superior or distinguished
17. #Expend To spend
18. #Expeditious Speedy
19. #Exposition Formal Presentation
20. #Expulsion Forcible ejection
1. #Abrogate To abolish , Repeal
2. #Abhorrent Very repugnant , hateful
3. #Addle To make inefficient or worthless
4. #Adhere To Stick fast or together
5. #Amity Friendship
6. #Amenable Willing and ready to submit
7. #Amorous Having a propensity for falling in love
8. #Agitate To move or excite ( the feelings or thoughts)
9. #Agglomerate To pile or heap together
10. #Aggress To Make the first attack
11. #Aggrieve To give

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