Wednesday 18 September 2019


1  2004 Olympic games held in __________  Greek

2  Athletics are also called the base of _____________  Olympic Games

3  Duration of Sarkal Kabadi match ___________ 40 min

4  First President of  Pakistan Golf Federation  ______________  Justice A R Karnees

5  For winning the game lead is required __________ 2

6  Height of Nanga Parbat ___________ 8125 m

7  How many lanes on track ____________ 8

8  How many substitute players in Valley Ball team __________ 6

9  How many umpires in Base Ball __________ 4

10  In 100 m women hurdles competition distance between hurdles _____________ 8.5 m

11  In 110 meter men hurdle race the height of hurdles ___________ 1.067 m

12  In 2006 Asian Games how many countries participated in Kabadi ____________ 12

13  In which year Pakistan won ODI world cup __________ 1992

14  Judo is introduced in Olympic game__________ 1964

15  Old name of Pakistan Golf Federation ____________  Pakistan Golf Union

16  The game of Chess started from ___________ 3000 BC

17  The stick which is used to hit the ball in Golf is called _________ Club

18  Total height of K-2 ____________  8516 m

19  Total number of player in Cricket team __________ 11

20  Total Number of players in Beach Valley Ball Game ____________ 2

21  Total weight  of Table Tennis Ball ______________ 2.7

22  Weight of Valley Ball ball is________ 9 to 10 ounce

23  What is the lowest score in in ODI cricket record __________  43 runs

24  When Asian Kabadi Federation is established ____________ 1978

25  When Base Ball started in Pakistan _________ 1992

26  When first Asian Kabadi Championship held ________ 1980

27  When first FIFA World Cup held __________ 1930

28  When first time Basketball introduce in Olympic Games __________ 1940

29  When International Polo Federation was established ________ 1983

30  When Pakistan first time participate in Davis Cup ____________ 1948

31  Which Country first of all introduce Chess __________  Hindustan

32  Which device used to measure the wind velocity __________  The wind gauge

33  Which is the biggest race in Olympic games ______________  Marathon Race

34  Which is the highest mountain in Pakistan ___________ K-2

35  Which player won more titles of Tour de France _________ France

36  Which team won First FIFA world Cup ____________  Uruguay

37  Which team  won the world cup 2007 _________ Australia

38  Width of Valley Ball courts lines __________  5 cm

39 ___________Tendon located in the posterior side of the lower leg. Achilles

40 ___________The main mass of nervous tissue, typing between sensory receptors, which acts as an integrating centre. Central nervous system

41 ___________The term used to describe an aggregation of body cells with specialized structure and function. Tissue

42 _________is psychological study of moral principles? Axiology

43 _______Is the residual fluid of blood left after removal of the cellular elements. Plasma

44 _______Is the science, which deals with the description of the structure of cells, tissues, organs and organisms. Anatomy

45 ‘Pele’ is related to which game? Swimming

46 ‘Stimulus Response Theory’ was given by? E. L. Thorndike

47 18.29 M Triple jump record is of Jonathan Adword

48 2008 Olympic games held in which country __________ China

49 2011 world cup held in which country _________ All of these

50 2nd name of athletics is _______________ Track and Field Exercises

51 400 meter race was included in ……Olympic 1912

52 4th Asian Games held in which Country
 ______________  Pakistan
53 9th Asian Games held in which Country ____________  Pakistan
54 A log distance runner must consume more quantity of? Carbohydrate
55 A muscle fibre relaxes when: The nerve stimulus is removed
56 A perfect food, known as nutritious is one that? Contains all nutritious elements of food
57 A rich source of Vitamin  a is: Apricot
58 A stress situation which grabs a person completely in-very shour time is? Acute
59 A typical fiber in the adult man may have a diameter of 50-70 mm
60 Abdominal muscles are best developed from: Abdominal crunch
61 Abdominal muscles are best developed from? Playing
62 According to rules, the colour of football goal post is? White
63 Aerobic power can be enhanced by? Circuit training
64 After calcium ions have been released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum they: Bind to troponin
65 After emulsion, the digestion of fat is done by an enzyme called? Lipase
66 Against which country ‘Maradona’ scored the goal of the century? England
67 Age measured in days, months and years is called? Birth Age
68 Agility may be needed in speed, balance,coordination  and ____? Strength
69 All of the following are excitable tissues except: Miniscule cartilage
70 All the following factors add to instability of shoulder joint except? Organ of long head of biceps
71 An example of injury caused by macrotreuma is: Sprain
72 An immeiate emotional state of apprehension & tension is response to specific situation is called? Trait Anxiety
73 An offensive play that is commonly used in basketball for a set shot is the? Pivot
74 Anaerobic metabolism refers to the generation of ATP: Without the use of oxygen
75 Angle of javelin through ____________ 29
76 Apparatus to measure fat percentage in body is? Skinfold Meter/Caliper
77 Appendix is helpful in Digestive system of human being for? Not helpful in digestive process
78 Appropriatensess, usefulness, meaningulness of any inference a researcher draws refers to data? Validity of the data
79 Approximately, what percentge of heart is generated y muscle tissue? 0.85
80 Are heavy exercises good for sound sleep? No
81 Artery carries the supply of blood towards heart? Pulmonary artery
82 Asian Games are also known as _________ Asia
83 Asian Games took place after every __________  4 years
84 At what score ends will be changed in the Tie break game in Tennis? 42741
85 Athlete's foot is caused by Virus
86 Automatic nervous system controls the _____________function of the body. Involuntary
87 Balanced diet contains All of the above
88 Ball and Socket types of Joint is? Tri-axial Joint
89 Base Ball is the national game of which country __________ America
90 Bearden and hungry the Javelin Throw was considered regular game in 1870
91 Before the Shot Put competition all the players are given   tums 42768
92 Bhartiyam was conducted to promote? Mass rhythmic activities
93 Blood gets de oxygenate in: Nerves
94 Blood gets de-oxygenated in? Heart
95 Blood is purified in the human body by? Oxygen
96 Blood plasma also circulates _________and contains several of the components essential for the formation of blood clots. Immune bodies
97 Blood transport waste products to __________for elimination from the body. Excretory organs
98 Brachial artery lies on the anterior aspect of all the following structures except? Terse Major
99 By which hormone High Blood Sugar level can be controlled in stomach? Insulin
100 Carbohydrates are converted into sugar in the: Digestive tract
101 Cardiovascular system disorders are those disorders, which involve the _________ Arteries, veins and lymphatic’s
102 Central nervous system consists of: Brain ad spinal column
103 Chronic injuries are treated with Ultrasond
104 Cognition deals with: All of the above
105 Cretin Phosphate releases energy? With the help of ATP
106 Cross country race are firs held at international level in 1903
107 Cross country races team consist of 6 Players
108 Cycling is the national game of_________ France
109 Davis Cup is associated with? Lawn Tennis
110 Diameter of the Shot Put circle is 2.135 M
111 Discus / Hammer / Short put through sector ___________ 34.92
112 Disease or Injury affecting the wall of blood vessel is Hemorrhage
113 Distance for Marathon race is measured as 43.19 M
114 Distance of Marathon for women ____________ 42.195 km
115 Diureties: Increase the body's output of urine
116 During a hockey match, if the ball is stuck in the Goalkeeper’s pads then game is restarted By Bully
117 During exercise, the Cardiac Minute volume in the average man may rise form fur litres to? 15 litres
118 During heavy exercise, the supply of blood increases toward: Skeletal Muscle
119 During muscular contraction, if there is no change in the size of muscle, this contraction is said— Isometric
120 Endurance training increases the muscle’s capacity to: Burn fat and carbohydrate
121 Fatigue comes during training due to? Lactic acid
122 First Asian Games held in ___________ 1951
123 First World Athletic championship held in which country _________ Funland
124 For complete treatmetn of sports injuries, one shoud depend upon Physiotherapy
125 For endurance dominating sports, the died should be rich in: Skinfold caliper
126 For remaining fit and healthy, what is most important? Routines
127 For the first time the circle of Shot Put was used in the year 1904
128 For the good health which type of exercises are necessary? Regular
129 For very high force contractions lasting 1-2 seconds, the initial energy source is from: Atp stores
130 From center the thickness of discuss for men in 44-46 MM
131 From where the game of Kabadi Started __________  Bar-e-sagheer
132 Fuel used by the body while doing the exercise intensity is: Less carbohydrate & more fat
133 Funds for the sports programs can be collected thorugh? Public, Donations, Gifts, Alumni Asso.
134 Gastronomies muscle located in the posterior lower____________. Leg
135 Getting the right fact to the right people at the right time in the right way is called? Public Relations in Sport
136 Goniometer is an equpment which is used to measure? Angle of Joint
137 Goniometer measures Flexibility
138 Ground of Golf is called _________ Course
139 Hammer Throw competition was included in Olympic game in 1900
140 Hammer Throw event for women was included in Sydney Olympic 2000
141 Harvard step test is a test for measuring? Cardio Vascular Endurance
142 Having to pass a swimming proficiency test prior to enrolling in an advance swimming course is an example of what? Criterion reference standard
143 Hdyrotherapy' is given using: Water
144 Health is primarily a responsibility of the? Individual
145 Height of Valley Ball Net for men ______________   2.43 m
146 Height of Valley Ball net for women ______________  2.24 m
147 High jump runway distance _____________ 14 m
148 Hormone secreted by parathyroid is? Parathyroid hormone
149 How many 400 meter hurdle height for women? 0.84
150 How many categories in international wrestling________ 2
153 How many entries are allowed per event in Athletics in Olympics? 3
154 How many events are there in Heptathlan? 7
155 How many height of goal post of foot bal poll? 8 feet
156 How many hurdle height for man? 1.067
157 How many kind of muscle in human body? 3
158 How many members of FIFA at 2008 _____________ 208
159 How many meters are there in one mile? 1609.344
160 How many muscle in human body? 656
161 How many Olympic Gold medals won by Pakistan Hockey team 3
162 How many Pakistani athletes participate in 1948 Olympic games ________________ 5
163 How many player in a team of a Valley Ball ___________ 6
164 How many player in foot bal team? 11
165 How many players in Sarkal Kabadi game _________ 11
166 How many referees are required for a foot bal match? 1
167 How many Silver medals in Olympic won by Pakistan Hockey team ___________ 3
168 How many time Pakistan Tennis team participate in SAF Game _____________ 3
169 How many time Rasheed Malik won National Tennis Championship ______________ 4
170 How many tissue in human body? 4
171 How many types of joints there in human body? 3
172 How many types of tracks are there? Three
173 How many years Jhangir Khan remain Un beated _________  5 years
174 How may height of cricket bat? 38”
175 How much eater is expected by the human body per day at regular temperatures? 1 gallons
176 How much meter circle was used in 1904 Olympics? 2.13 M
177 How much protein a working woman must intake every day? 37gm
178 How much time is given in long jump to Athlete for his one try? 1 Minute
179 How we get injured in games? When rules of games are not followed
180 Human _______ are about 8 micrometers in diameter and about 2 um at their thickest and have a biconcave shape. Red blood corpuscles
181 IAAF stand for ? International Armature Athletic Federat.
182 ICC stand for __________ International Cricket Council
183 If a muscle is injured after a vigorous workout, one can exercise after 36 hrs.
184 If player is less thatn 8, how marry traits will be gine? 6
185 If someone feels difficulty to see at long distance clearly disease is called? Myopia
186 If the mean of five scores is 25 and standard deviation is 0, what will be the value of fifth score? 25
187 If we take every nth number as a sample formthe list of th population it is called? Systematic Sampling
188 Imaginary line passing laterally from one side to the other is called. Lateral axis
189 In 100 meter women hurdle race the height of the hurdles __________  0.84 m
190 in 110 m hurdles, the numbr of tirdes performed between two hurdles is? 8
191 In 1921 the team of Vally Ball consist on how many players ___________ 12
192 In 1962 Asian games how many medals  won by Pakistan in wrestling_______ 14
193 In 1970 Asian games how many medals  won by Pakistan in wrestling_______ 2
194 In 3000 m steeple chase, the unmber of watr jump is 7 the total no of jumps are? 35
195 In 400 meter race last athlete Stagger ____________ 7.67 m
196 In a cardiac cycle what is the ratio of ventricle systole and ventricle diastole? 0.3 sec/ 0.5 sec
197 In addition to the _______many other important classes of compounds circulate in the blood plasma. Proteins
198 In ancient shot Pur discuss was throw from High Stag (Chabotra)
199 In Cross Country race the red flag at track indicate to Turn left
200 In English soldiers how much weight and volume Shot put was popular 16 pound
201 In Europe Mountainering is also known as _____________ Alpinism
202 In first Shot Pur 1896, how much square meter was used for Shot Put 2.000 M
203 In First Wimbledon Championship who is the winner of title in men category _____________ Spencer Gore
204 In general, the higher the intensity of exercise, the greater the proportional contribution of: Anaerobic energy production
205 In high jump every player have __________ chances. 3
206 In High Jump the distance between the two pools is at least 4.00 M
207 In High Jump the length of cross bar is a least 3.98 M
208 In human body ‘Fartlek’ developes Agility
209 In humans, the white blood cells in the blood are ________in umber. Fewer
210 In hurdles race its good for runner to take how many steps before 1st hurdle? 8
211 In normal adult men the blood contains about ____red blood corpuscles or erythrocytes per cubic millimeter. 5000000
212 In normal adult women, the blood contains about ____red blood corpuscles. 4500000
213 In older, age, the common problem in eyes is Cataract
214 In one millilitre of blood, the number of platelets is stated to be about? 2,00,000
215 In Pakistan how many methods to play Kabadi _________ 4
216 In plant cells, ____________encloses this membrane. A rigid cell wall
217 In Psychologicl testign norm is defined as ? Record of performance
218 In second Shot Pur 1900, how much square meter was used for Shot Put. 2.135
219 In sprint events, improvements in performance may come from: All of the above
220 In sprint race, of the falash is not visible, time shall be taken form the? Sound of gun
221 In sprint Races position of start is known as __________ Crouch start
222 In test cricket, how many bouncers can be bowled in one over? 2
223 In the Childhood, individual’s behavior is mostly influenced by? Family
224 In the school setting the major channel of publicity for the physicla education programmes is? Intramurals
225 In Track and Field (athletics) Triple Jump known as Hop, Step and Jump
226 In Track and Field Hammer Throw weight is about 7.260 KG
227 In Triple Jump the Referee raised the white flag after Right attempt
228 In which activity Lactic acid system is activated 100 mts
229 In which city 1896 Olympic games are held __________ Athens
230 In which country first Asian Games held _________ India
231 In which country Indian women cricket team won the test series first time? England
232 In which country the education of chess is given in schools _________ Russia
233 In which of the following does the reactions of energy synthesis take place? Cell sap
234 In which Olympic 10 km walk is the part of Olympic games ___________ 1992
235 In which Olympic did women participate for the first time? 1900 Paris
236 In which place World Class Hockey Academy is proposed to be established by International Hockey Federation? Dubai
237 In which year women football introduced in Olympic games __________ 1996
238 In1993 Islamic games In Tehran Naseem Nazali get which title_______  Silver
239 Increase in muscle mass due to heavey weight training is called ? Muscular Hypertrophy
240 Intensityin strength endurance training is? 80-100%
241 International athletic federation established in __________ 1880
242 International Judo Federation Established In_________ 1960
243 IOC stand for ____________________  Intern. Olympic Committee
244 It participant are eight in Javelin Throw then how many Tums were given to each player 6
245 Javelin is handle from Grip
246 Javelin Throw competition was included in modern Shot Put in 1908
247 Javelin Throw players are givens turns through By Lots
248 Jogging and the sport Waken muscles
249 Jogging at one spot? Tightens muscles
250 Jonthan Adword made Triple Jump record in 1995
251 Jumping board for …..for men is 13 M away from the jumping pit Triple Jump
252 Length of Javelin for women _______________ 2.20 m
253 Length of table tennis net________ 6 feet
254 Length of the Hammer measured from inside of the grip  is Min: 1175 MM to Max: 1215 MM
255 Length of the runway for ………….is 35 to 40 M Board jump
256 Length of Valley Ball court ___________ 18 m
257 Length of Valley Ball Net _____________ 9.50 m
258 Locomotor movements involve forcefully pushing of th ground from one foot in the air and landing on the same foot. Hopping
259 Long bones’ work in human body is? To work as lever
260 Lowest score of Pakistan cricket team in test match _________ 26 runs
261 M Hurdles height for men are 1.067 M
262 Metacarpal in the ___________. Hand
263 Metatarsal in the ______________ Foot
264 Motto of I.O.C is ? Cittius, Altlus, Fortius
265 Name the disease which is categorized as psychosomatic disease Diabetes
266 Name the first Indian woman Wo won the Gold Medal in asian games— Kamaijit Sandhu
267 Name the vitamin which is water soluble Vitamin B
268 Neuron has the main three pars cell body, dendrite and __________. Axon
269 Normal, ordinal, intrval, and ratio scales mesure the? Variables
270 Number of Muscles found in human body are? 656
271 Number One player of Squash in Pakistan __________ Shahid Zaman
272 OCA stands for ___________ Olympic Council of Asia
273 Of the following associations of muscle and movement the incorrect one is? Biceps ------flexor of the arm
274 Official ensuring that the track, runways, circles and all equipmet are in accordance with the rules before competition Technical Manager
275 Old name of Squash is __________  Rackets
276 Old name of table tennis is ________ Ping Pong
277 Old name of Valley Ball is ___________ Mintonette
278 Olympia city is situated in which country of the world? Greece
279 Olympic rings indicate? Five continents
280 Olympic torch first time used in 1928
281 One of the method of Teaching is? Demonstration
282 Organ that receive food from Pharynx and carries to the stomach is known as? Esophagus
283 Organisation means planning the work and administration means? Controlling
284 Osteology is the study of_____________. Scientific study of bones
285 Other name of Lalssez Fair leadeship style is? Hand –off
286 Outstanding athletes usually posses certain personality characteristics, such as: Aggressiveness
287 Pakistan get which position in 2007 world table tennis championship_______  40th
288 Pakistani Athlete Muhammad Rasheed make record in 1987 SAF Javelin Through
289 Parasympathetic nervous system work during the ________situation during the involuntary functions. Normal
290 Physical exercise done in presence of oxygen, is called? Aerobic exercise
291 Physiology is the study of the _______________ Functions of the body
292 Polo is the national game of ______ Bangladesh
293 Pre-school children learn things by? Imitation
294 Purpose of Kraus Weber is? Minimum Muscular, Strength
295 Ranga Swami Cup is awarded in? Hockey
296 Reason of constipation is due to Less functioning of large intestine
297 Record of Tour de France is ____________ 39.5 Km
298 Red blood cells contain _____, which imparts to them their color, and possess an envelop. Hemoglobin
299 Rehabilitation of sports injuries is done using: Corrective Exersises
300 Research which is generally inductive is? Qualitative
301 Rovers Cup is associated with the game Football
302 Runner up team of 2003 world cup _________ India
303 Running barefoot may cause: Hook warm infection
304 Salivary gland produces Ptyalin
305 Scoliosis is a postural deformity related with? Vertebral column
306 Sergeant jump measures? Explosive leg strength
307 Serum is the fluid which is obtained afer blood has been allowed to _____ Clot
308 Set Shot’ is related to? Basketball
309 Shin splint' occurs in Abdomen
310 Shuttle run ‘Test’ measures Agility
311 Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction was given by: Pythagoras
312 Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction was given by: Huxley
313 Smaller part of information in which resercher is interested is called? Sample
314 Somatic nervous system controls the skeletal system and ___________movement. Voluntary
315 Speed which gradually increases in sprint races is called? Acceleration sprint
316 Sphygmomanometer is used to measure? Blood Pressure
317 Sprain is an injury to: Muscle 
318 Standard Deviation represents spread of scores around? Mean
319 Standard track total distance is ____________ 400 m
320 Strategy ‘Fast break’ is related with the game? Basketball
321 Summative evaluation Involves? Administration of test
322 Sunlight is a source of: Vitamin D
323 Sympathetic nervous system works in the __________function of the body. Emergency
324 Taresals, metatarsals are bones of: Foot
325 Tennis in the word of which language ___________ Tenez
326 The _____________neurons conduct the impulses form the sensory organs towards the brain. Sensory
327 The ____________twitch muscle fibers are shape white contract rapidly. Fast
328 The ___________neurons conduct the impulses from the brain toward the muscles. Motor
329 The __________of the muscle belly attach tendon to tendon is type of fusiform muscles. Muscle fibers
330 The __________twitch muscle fibers are red shape and contract slowly. Slow
331 The ________filament of the muscle fiber is myosin. Thick
332 The _______change their shape rapidly on contact with injured vessels or foreign surfaces and take part in clot formation. Blood platelets
333 The ______bone hang in the chest between the ribs. Sternum
334 The 50th percentile is also known as? Mean
335 The ability to maintain equliibrium while in motion is called Balance
336 The American player who made 23.12 m record in Shot Put is Rendiboms
337 The amount of Blood comes out from ventricle, per minute is called? Cardiac output
338 The amount of calories required by an adult of average body weight per day is? 2500 calorie
339 The Anaerobic metabolism of one molecule of glucose results in the production of? 38 ATP
340 The angle of sector for Hammer Throw is 34.92 Degree
341 The another name for percussion manipulation is? Tapotment
342 The average life to the nature red blood cells is surprisingly long, having a span of about________. 120 days
343 The axis around which a movement takes place is always? At right angles to the plane
344 The back thigh muscles are also know as? Hamstring
345 The Basal Metabolic Rate may vary from person to person but it is closely related to a person’s amount of? Physical activity
346 The beginning of Shot Pur first in the history started from throwing Stone
347 The best know special message is: Connective massage
348 The best method for training of emotions in sports is? Repression
349 The blood platelets are small ______bodies about 3 um long and occur in large numbers in circulating blood. Rod like
350 The bottom tail of the ____________is coccyx. Spinal cord
351 The cardio respiratory capacity is related to Normal physical endurance
352 The cause of postural defects/deformities is? Malnutrition
353 The central nervous system consist of brain and __________ Spinal cord
354 The circulating ________________to the body cells and is thus an important means of maintaining the homeostasis of the body. Blood carries nutrients and oxygen
355 The color of lines of standard Track is White
356 The color of stop board in Shot Put is White
357 The color of take off in Board Jump and in Triple Jump is White
358 The combination of strength and speec ability la called? Explosive strength
359 The cool down after exercise is important because it? Speeds the removal of lactic acid
360 The cordiac muscles related to the ___________. Heart
361 The creatine kinase reaction is: Inhibited by low ph in the muscle
362 The cross country races are held in Winter
363 The deltoid muscle located above the ___________joint. Shoulder
364 The developmetn of the full potential of each Individual? Humanism
365 The diameter of circle of Hammer is 2.135 M
366 The diameter of discuss for women is 180-182 MM
367 The Diameter of Shot Put for men 11.13 CM
368 The Diameter of Shot Put for women 09.5-11 CM
369 The difference in the wieght of the shout put and throw for male is? None
370 The distance between the first and 2nd athlete in 400 meter race 7.04 M
371 The distance between the two goal post of hockey is? 3.66 M
372 The elbow joint is the kind of _________joint Hinge
373 The energy for all forms of muscle contraction is provided by: Atp
374 The first modern Olympic games were held in the year? 1896
375 The first National Marathon Race was organized at? Kolkata
376 The first region of the spinal cord is __________region. Cervical
377 The first treatment recommended for long distance exhausted athlete is: Cryotherapy
378 The folloiwng are the standard distance of hurdle race for men? 100 M and 400 Meters
379 The following bones form the elbow joint except: Scapula
380 The function study of the body is called___________. Physiology
381 The functional cell of the nervous system is ___________. Neuron
382 The greater the momentum of an object? The Greater distance is will travel
383 The hall of judo is called________ a)   Judo Jo
384 The hamstring muscle consists of the _________muscles. Three
385 The heart pumps blood through the __________. Arteries
386 The height of human being is measured by? Vernier scale
387 The height of human being is measured by? Vernier scale
388 The height of protecting net in discuss is 4 M
389 The height of stop board in Shot Put is 9.6 to 10.2 CM
390 The highest sports award of India is Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratan
391 The hip and shoulder joints are the kind of the __________joint. Ball and Socket
392 The initial rate of an enzyme catalysed reaction depends on: All of the above
393 The Instrument to measure height is called? Stadiometer
394 The internal diameter of circle of Shot Put is 2.135
395 The internal measurement/length of stop board in Shot Put is 1.14 to 1.16 M
396 The Javelin has parts 3 Parts
397 The labrum Glendale is Triangular in cross section
398 The landing arena of High Jump will be 5 x 3 mts
399 The largest bone in the body is ___________. Femur
400 The last region of the spinal cord is______________. Coccyx
401 The law of accelertion is also known as? Norms
402 The length and width of a volley ball court is? l8x9metre
403 The length of chain of Hammer for men is 117 to 121.5 CM
404 The length of Javelin for women 2.20 M
405 The length of jumping pit in Triple jump is 9 M
406 The length of runway in long jump is 35-40 M
407 The length of Runway in Triple Jump is at least 40 M
408 The length of take off board in Triple jump is 1.22 M
409 The length of trachea (wind pipe) in an adult person is about? 10 cm
410 The life span of Red Blood corpuscles is not more than 120 days
411 The life span of Red Blood corpuscles is not more than 120 days
412 The ligament attaches bone to________ Bone
413 The line which show the half of the circle has the length .75 M
414 The longes muscle in the body is ? Sartorius
415 The longest bone in human body is? Femur
416 The longest muscle in human body is? Sartorius
417 The main function of WBC is to: Transport substances
418 The main function of WBC is to: Fight against infection
419 The main source of vitamin ‘A’ is? Carrot
420 The major constituents of plasma and serum are___________. Proteins
421 The Maximum diameter for women is 10 CM
422 The maximum diameter of Hammer for men is 13 CM
423 The maximum length of runway in Javelin Throw is 36.50 M
424 The maximum quantity in the diet of small children should be Protein
425 The maximum quantity in the diet of small children should be Protein
426 The measuremetn of the size and proportions of the hman body is called: Anthropometry
427 The measuring instrument of Blood pressure is? Sphygmomanometer
428 The minimum diameter of Hammer for men is 11 CM
429 The minimum diameter of Hammer for women is 9.5 CM
430 The minimum length of runway in Javelin Throw is 30 M
431 The minimum number of players required in a team to start a Basketball match is?— 5
432 The minimum thickness of iron rim in discuss throw is 6 MM
433 The minimum weight of baton in relay race is 50 gram
434 The minimum width of landing area of high jump is 3 M
435 The most important factor in the organisation or recreation is? Facilities
436 The most popular method for high jump in the present era is Back flag
437 The most rapid method to resynthesise ATP during exercise is through: Phosphocreatine breakdown
438 The movement of the ________ muscles is voluntary. Skeletal
439 The movement of the ____________turn down is pronation. Palm
440 The movement of the body away from the center line is _________. Abduction
441 The movement of the body part on the central axis is________________. Rotation
442 The movement of the body parts on the 360 degree angle is ________ Circumduction
443 The movement of the smooth and cardiac muscles are __________. Involuntary
444 The muscle can contract, shorten and become thicker. This is __________function. Contractility
445 The muscle return to their original shape after being stretch or contract this is ________function. Elasticity
446 The muscle will __________________in response to increase workload. Hypertrophy
447 The Muscles in the legs of an Olympic 100 meter Finalist would contain? Mostly white fibers
448 The name of polo international federation_________ Harlangham Polo association
449 The name of postural defect if shoulders are bended called? Scoliosis
450 The name of the cell of the skeletal muscle__________ Fiber
451 The National Game of Pakistanis? Hockey
452 The National Game of Pakistanis? Hockey
453 The normal temperature of a healthy human being is? 98.4° F
454 The number of Muscle pairs,found in human body is? 250
455 The old name of polo is _______ a)   Chogan
456 The Olympic games in 2016 will be held at? Brazil
457 The one hand has the _____________phalanges. 14
458 The patella found above the _________joint. None of above
459 The period of growth and development from 9 to 11 years is known as: Later Childhood
460 The peripheral nervous system consist of ________nerves and spinal nerves. Cranial
461 The peripheral nervous system has the ____________pairs of the spinal nerves. 31
462 The peripheral nervous system has the _______pairs of the cranial nerves. 12
463 The player of judo is known as_______  Judoka
464 The position of India in 1st Asian games was? II
465 The primary muscle substrate immediately availabe for ATP synthesis is: None
466 The process of regenerating ATP is catalyzed by the enzyme: Phosphate
467 The psycho motor domain of physical education is concerned with? Values
468 The quadriceps muscle consists of _____________muscles. Four
469 The quality of Physical Education teacher is? Good performance
470 The quality of test to give same scores when administered at different occasions is? Reliability
471 The raises toward tibia is dorsiflexion. Toe
472 The reason for lower performance in sports competition is: Heredity impact
473 The red blood cells or corpuscles contain a nucleus and cytoplasm rich in _____. Hemoglobin
474 The ribs in the body are ____________pairs of the ribs. 12
475 The richest source of protein is Soya Bean
476 The richest source of Vitamin D is? Cod Liver Oil
477 The rules and regulation for long Jump were made in 1860
478 The sampling method chosen when the members of a special population are difficult to locate is? Snowball sampling
479 The sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells acts as a: Store of calcium ions
480 The Shot Put record of Russian player Nathlia Laska is 22.63
481 The size of Mats in High jump ____________ c)   7/6/8 meter
482 The skeletal muscle related to the ______________. Bones
483 The source of acid rain is: Nitric oxide
484 The spinal column is part of the ___________system. Skeletal
485 The spinal system consists of __________vertabras. 33
486 The standard track consist of 400 M
487 The standard Track consist of lanes 9
488 The standing position of referee in cross country race 50 M ahead
489 The stop board color is? White
490 The stretch reflex is usually applied in polymeric by: Jumping
491 The study of the________is called mycology. Muscle
492 The technique to swim. Fastest is? Free style
493 The tendon attaches bone to________. Muscle
494 The thickness of rim of Shot put circle 6 MM
495 The thin filament of the muscle fiber is ________________ Actin
496 The things most recently larned are bes remembered refers to? Law of recency
497 The thoracic hypnosis region of spinal cord consists of ____________vertebras. 5
498 The time the Javelin Throw for one player for one try is 1 Minute
499 The total distance of cross country races is between 4 to 12 KM
500 The total protein concentration of human serum is approximately_________ 7 g/ml

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