Saturday 17 August 2019

Physical Education

1. In technical terms, muscle pull is known as…..Strain
2. Supination and pronation are the movements of ….carpel an metacarpal
3. Typsin helps in the digestion of……protein
4. A test is a considered to be reliable if has….consistancy
5. How many majors salivary glands are there in the human body…6
6. Physically activity is basically….Biological necessaity
7. Which of the following terms denote the toughening of body as a major objective. physical
8. Training
9. Which deficiency in the blood cause inflammation in body parts…Red blood cell
10. The functional efficiency of a muscles depends upon it…Fibre quality
11. Which of the following are considered as a social inheritance of a man ..conditional reflexes
12. Upto the age of puberty the sex harmones are secreted by ….pituitar y gland
13. Which of following two joint muscle…..Sartarious
14. What is not a primary motive….Sex
15. Ball and socket type of joints in …tri axial joint
16. Osteology is the study of …bones
17. Trachomais the disease of …eyes
18. Medullaoblongata isapart of ….human brain
19. How many bonesare there in anewlyborn infanty…300
20. Red blood carpelsare formed in the ….bone marrow
21. The largest part of human brain is…Cerebrum
22. Tibia isabone found in a…leg
23. Tibia isanother name isa…shin bone
24. The pancreasesecretes ….insulin
25. Who discoveredcirculation of blood in human body…william Harvey
26. Femur is the bone of …leg
27. Chemically finger nails are madeup of …protein
28. Insuluin producein the human body by the….pancrease
29. Name the disease of the liver that causesapatient to turn yellow…jaundice
30. Pituitary glands arelocated on…brain
31. Blood sugar level controlledby harmone called …insulin
32. Pepsin producein stomach digest the ..proteins
33. A man breathes17 to 18 timesin aminutes
34. The largest boneof the human body is …tigh bone..or femur
35. Redblood cell have no nucleus
36. Absuivedrugsdamage cell of…brain
37. Study of histology refers to….study of tissue
38. In human anatomical position palmsshould be….forward
39. Hollow muscular organ is….Heart
40. Weight of Heart….260-270 gm
41. The inner life of heart iscalled…endo cardium
42. Whichpart of heart is more thick than others…..left ventricle
43. Term posterior issimilar to….Dorsal
44. Term anterior issimilar to …ventral
45. Whichone ismoreproximal….humerous
46. How many quadrentsof human body are…4

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